Knowing EXACTLY what your newborn really needs can be incredibly overwhelming. Mind blown, I remember starting my first Amazon Baby Registry and gasping at ALL the categories…and the endless lists. Thinking I needed the best of EVERYTHING, I scoured reviews, price-compared and spent endless hours adding each perfect item. 

But, I didn’t need it all. Especially in the beginning. 

I was SO concerned about having all-the-things and being 200% prepared, that I didn’t stop to think about what a newborn REALLY needs. Most importantly, I had no idea. 

Now, with two kids, I’ve gone through it. Lord Almighty in Heaven Above – I WISH I could go back in time tell myself to breathe, lighten-up and focus on the time I had before bringing baby home. Stop worrying so much about the unknown…the birth (just take a solid prenatal class like this one, caring for a newborn for the first time, if I’ll be a good mom or not…and focus on being happy (I’d do as many of these bucket list items before baby arrived!).

The most important thing I wished I had realized is that my newborn does not need a ZILLION and a half of the most perfect things the universe can offer them (even though Target, Amazon or BuyBuyBaby told me otherwise).

The reality is, these 12 things are the only baby items your newborn REALLY NEEDS. So, breathe easy and let’s focus on the essentials.

1. Car Seat

2. Somewhere Safe To Sleep

3. Swaddle Blankets

4. Burp Cloths

5. Nursing Pillow

6. Diapers

7. Baby Wash

8. ZIP UP Onesies

9. Glider

10. Pacifier

11. Bottles + Nipples

12. Gripe Water

Try not to be overwhelmed, mama. Most of all, your baby just needs your love, snuggles, rest and food. Try not to get caught up in having everything perfect and focus on the survival essentials (which include those snuggles!). You’ve got this.