Your Life as a Parent : Introducing a New Sitter and Handling Weaning

If you’re dealing with separation anxiety and you also happen to need a new sitter or caregiver at this time, you may need to take some additional steps to help prepare your little one for a new face. Here are a few tips for introducing your baby to a new caregiver

Hold your baby while you and the sitter talk. She'll get to know that this is a trusted person.

Let The Sitter Talk To Your Baby While You Hold Her To Build Confidence.

Place Your Baby On The Floor With Her Favorite Toys And Invite The Sitter To Slowly Come Closer And Engage With Her In Play.

Try To Briefly Leave The Room, And, If All Goes Well, You Can Confidently Leave Her With Your Trusted Caregiver.

If you've been breastfeeding, you may find that around the time when your baby is starting to sample different foods, she may be less interested in breastfeeding. This is called natural weaning or infant-led weaning, and it's perfectly fine to let your baby's preferences take the lead. Continue to offer her new food options while still allowing her to breastfeed when she wants.

Some mothers face pressure to wean their babies for a variety of reasons, including a lack of support and encouragement from family and friends, or even a lack of facilities for pumping and feeding at their workplaces. The decision to wean is an intensely personal one, but it’s still advised to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months of your baby’s life and continuing while providing other foods for at least the next year or even two. Consult with your baby's healthcare provider or a lactation consultant for advice on weaning.

As long as you're confident your baby is getting all the nutrients she needs, there is no need to feel any pressure to wean if the time doesn't feel right for you and your baby.