Learning the ABCs is a great way to spend the day! Read about Dino's day while learning the alphabet in Dino's delightful day book. Letters and words are woven into the story in alphabetical order with phonetic sounds to introduce ABCs to your little one through a charming tale. Flip through the 16 interactive pages to hear the story read aloud, or enjoy musical play by jamming to a melody with fun sounds and musical notes. Press the light-up button to hear letter names, letter sounds and words from the story. Number buttons along Dino's back introduce counting and recognizing numbers from one to ten. This complete story with beginning, middle and end exposes your child to early reading skills. It's a great day, from a to Z!
• Flip through the 16 interactive pages of Dino's Delightful Day to hear the story read along. Learn the alphabet or press the buttons on Dino's back to learn numbers from one to ten
• Letters and words are woven into the story in alphabetical order with phonetic sounds to introduce letter names and sounds through Dino's charming tale
• Press any of the buttons to hear numbers, letters, words, fun phrases, sing-along songs, melodies and sounds that will keep your little one entertained for hours to come!
• Enjoy musical play by jamming to a melody with fun sounds and musical notes or press the light-up button to hear letter names, letter sounds and words from Dino' s Delightful Day Book
• This boys & girls interactive book is an ideal gift for Christmas and children's birthday as it helps develop skills that are valuable once kids start school