Leak-proof, seal bags suitable for storing in the fridge or freezer. Pre-sterilised. BPA free. Up to 200ml of breast milk.
Stored breast milk may separate into layers. Swirl storage bag gently to thoroughly mix breast milk prior to offering to your baby. Refrigerated up to 4ºC/32-39ºF: Optimal storage 3 days/ maximum 5 days. Frozen: Optimal storage 4 months/maximum 6 months.
Safety Warning Caution
Once defrosted, use breast milk immediately. Discard any unused breast milk after feeding. Dispose of storage bag responsibly after use. A breast milk storage bag should remain sterile for up to 3 years as long as it remains unopened and in good condition.
Always check the temperature of the breast milk before you feed your baby. Please ensure you use old milk first. Never defrost or heat breast milk in the microwave, in freshly boiled water or bottle warmer. Do not boil breast milk. Do not store it at room temperature. Never refreeze breast milk. Do not add fresh breast milk to already frozen breast milk. Do not re-use your storage bags, they are intended for single use only. Keep the storage bags out of reach of children. Do not leave in direct sunlight or near a source of heat. Please keep this information for future reference.
Preparation and Usage
Pre-sterilised breast milk storage bags are specifically designed to store expressed breast milk in the fridge or freezer. Each storage bag is sterile until opened. Please note that the gradients on the storage bag are a guide only. For accurate measurements, use a feeding bottle. Each storage bag has an area for you to clearly record the date and time the milk was expressed.
Instructions for use
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse well before handling the storage bags. Cut along the dotted line at the top of the storage bag and gently pull both sides apart to open. Dispose of the excess plastic safely, this can cause choking. Pour the freshly expressed breast milk carefully into the storage bag. Do not fill the bag beyond the 200ml mark. Carefully expel as much air from the storage bag as possible and tightly close the seal. This will allow the breast milk to expand if freezing. Place the storage bag in the fridge or freezer. If freezing, for best results, keep the storage bag upright until breast milk is frozen. To use, open double seal and carefully pour into a sterilised feeding bottle.
Place the storage bag of breast milk in your fridge overnight. To defrost prior to feeding, place storage bag in warm water.