Your Life as a Parent: Create a Network of Support

It’s totally OK to need or want help sometimes—all parents do! A network of support can come in handy when you need an extra pair of hands, and the support you get from family and friends can make all the difference.

Need some ideas for creating a support network?

Reach out to family and friends who live nearby. Family members and close friends are wonderful resources, especially if you need an impromptu babysitter. They will enjoy being part of your child’s life.

Create a network among your neighbors, especially if you all have children of a similar age. It’s easy to feel isolated when you keep to yourself. You may also find that this new network can come in handy when you need someone to look after your child, or you might want to carpool to daycare or a local event.

Join a local organization or parent-child group. Check out your local YMCA or YWCA, or a religious center or community center. By getting to know other parents in your area, you can share parenting tips, bond over the experiences you share in raising a child, and perhaps even help each other out from time to time.

  Look to your healthcare provider for support and/or a referral to a therapist or counselors. Don’t be afraid to discuss your personal family problems. Your provider is there to help you find the support you need.