Your Life as a Parent : Dealing with Sleep Deprivation

Missing those pre-baby mornings when you could sleep as long as you wanted? Any new parent can tell you sleep deprivation is a very real concern. Of course, you want to be at your best for your baby, but lack of sleep doesn't make it easy. Here are a few suggestions to try to make things just a little bit easier:

1. Teamwork

between you and your partner and/or other caregivers, like a grandparent or nanny. For example, you could choose to share the load on your baby’s bedtime routine so that the responsibility to putting baby to bed doesn’t fall solely on you.

2. Prioritization

don’t try to do everything, think of the one or two things each day that absolutely must get done and let the other tasks go.

3. Downtime

this may be tough, but, if possible, try to get 30-60mins a day just for you, could just be to run a short errand by yourself or to take a walk. It’s amazing how refreshed you can feel after a quick break!

4. Sleep training 

As your baby approaches 4-months of age, you can talk to your pediatrician about readiness for sleep training, which essentially will help your baby learn to self soothe and better manage their sleep without your help.