Your Life as a Parent : Tips for Reducing Stress

Like all parents, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Stress won’t disappear altogether, but there are some things you can try to help manage your stress levels:

Get Help. Can You Find Someone To Pitch In With Household Chores Or Childcare?

Don’t Compare Your Life To Others. Reduce The Time And Energy Spent Feeling Guilty And Try To Avoid Comparing Yourself To Others On Social Media.

Stay Flexible. You Might Have Great Routines, But A Baby Can Throw A Spanner In The Works. Be Prepared To Deviate From Your Plans Or To-Do Lists If Need Be.

Enjoy A Little “Me Time.” Catch Up With Friends, Plan Some One-On-One Time With Your Partner, Or Simply Block Out Some Alone Time. It May Take A Little Coordinating With A Babysitter Or Relative To Make Sure You Have Childcare Arranged, But Having A Chance To Recharge Your Batteries Will Do Wonders For How You’re Feeling.

Limit How Much You Take On. It Might Help To Delay A Project Like Renovations Or Say “No” Instead Of “Yes” To Helping A Friend With Something. With So Many Changes Going On In Your Baby’s First Year, Now May Not Be The Best Time To Make Your Life More Complicated. However, If You Think That Taking On Something A Little Different — Like A Creative Hobby Or A Personal Goal — Might Help You Feel Less Stressed, Then By All Means Give It A Go!

Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle. Eating Well, Getting As Much Sleep As Possible, And Adding A Little Exercise To Your Routine Can Reduce Stress Levels. Of Course, Ask Your Healthcare Provider To Give You The All-Clear Before Starting A New Exercise Regime.