Mandate Health Checklist

4th Month

5th Month

Know Yourself

Body Changes

Week 16

If your skin becomes too oily, you may be experiencing “pregnancy glow.” This is due to an increase in blood circulation that might make your face lighter and brighter. 

Week 17

The sciatic nerve pain is caused by the pressure baby puts on the nerve.

Week 18

You might experience dizziness, so make sure you move slowly from a lying/sitting position to a standing position.  

Week 19

Do not take any herbal remedies without consulting your doctor. 

Week 20

Halfway there!

It is time to think about the delivery: Write down your thoughts and plans in a journal.


This is a crucial stage as the baby is developing fast. You need a lot of nutrients at this time.

Beta-carotene and DHA for the eyes

• carrots

• sweet potato

• spinach

• mackerel

• sardines

Vitamin D to help absorb the calcium

• sardines

• herring

• fortified milk

Calcium for bone development and strengthening

• milk

• yogurt

• tofu

• cheese

• sardines

Zinc for the production, repair, and functioning of DNA

• red meat

• shellfish

• beans

• nuts

• whole grains

• dairy products


As you reach the second and third trimesters, it is ideal to sleep on the left side. Being in this position maximizes blood flow to the uterus without putting pressure on the liver. If you experience hip or back pain during pregnancy may find that placing a pillow or two between the knees or bending the knees during sleep can help provide relief.

Some other sleep positions that may help resolve common issues include:

• raising the upper body with a few pillows to reduce heartburn

• elevating the legs with pillows to help with swelling and leg pain

• using a body pillow or pregnancy pillow to cradle the body and provide additional back support

Know Your Baby

Week 16

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


3.53 oz


4.57 in

Crown to rump

Size of


Your baby’s head is straighter.

The ears and eyes take their final positions.

Complicated body systems begin to function, including the urinary and circulatory systems. 

Week 17

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


4.87-5.01 oz


5.12 in

Crown to rump

Size of


Your baby’s sense of hearing develops.

Baby forms fat tissue. 

You may have periodic pain in your legs.

Week 13

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


6.7 oz


5.59 in

Crown to rump

Size of

bell pepper

If you are having a little girl, her fallopian tubes and uterus have positioned themselves into the correct place.

If you are having a little boy, his genitals may be noticed on your next ultrasound.

Week 4

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


8.47 oz


6.02 in

Crown to rump

Size of


The kidneys are making urine.

Hair is beginning to sprout on your baby’s scalp.

Week 15

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


10.08 oz


10.08 in 

Head to toe

Size of

Ear of corn

Your baby is covered in a white substance called vernix caseosa. This substance helps the baby’s passage through the birth canal during labor.

Stay Happy & Positive

Week 16

Baby shower time is quickly approaching. First step: decide what kind of shower you want. Then, figure out who is going to host and where. Pick a date and help them with the guest list.

Schedule a self-date. See a matinee movie, get a spa treatment or just relax at home.

Try five minutes of meditation a day for one week. If you feel good, keep it going and add another few minutes each week, working your way up to 20 minutes.

Start sleeping on your side, ideally, your left (it helps get nutrients to baby via blood flow). Don’t panic if you wind up on your back, just flip onto your side and try again.

Week 17

Other expectant parents are a great resource for information and support. Search online to find groups for expecting moms whose members share a similar due date.

If your doctor has suggested additional screening tests, research their pros and cons to decide what’s right for you.

Week 18

Since baby can hear now, consider making a baby Spotify playlist of some of your favorite songs or tunes that are soothing, like classical music.

Make sleep a priority. Consider buying a pregnancy pillow and experiment with a regular bedtime if you don’t already have one.

As your belly starts to show, it’s a good time to coach older siblings-to-be about the baby joining the family.

Brainstorm baby names. Right now, anything goes! Fun places for inspiration: Family names, places, nature and religion/spirituality.

Week 19

Birth is a big deal. Spend some time thinking about the kind of labor and delivery you’d like to have.

Incorporate extra iron into your diet. (You need about twice as much as you did pre-pregnancy to help make extra blood for baby.)

Try to get outside for some soothing fresh air. Even a stroll around the block counts.

Week 20

Create your baby registry now so you can refine it as time goes along.

If you have a partner, book a date night.

Capture the halfway point with a bump pic.

Things To Buy

Crib Bumper And Sheets
Waterproof mattress pad
Changing table with soft pad on top
Bassinet or a co-sleeper
Baby bathtub


Comfortable chair, like a rocking chair with arm rests or a recliner with stool

Diaper Disposal

Baby monitor

Mosquito net for crib

Baby hangers

Sound machine

Optional: Mobile to hang above the crib

Grab them now!