Mandate Health Checklist

6th Month

Routine Prenatal Checkup

First dose of Tetanus Toxoid (TT) Injection

Gestational Diabetics Check

Know Yourself

Body Changes

Week 21

You may notice that varicose veins have started developing. 

Week 22

What about attending childbirth education classes?

Week 23

You might need to drink fluids, especially water.

Week 24

You may spot dim red streaks or stretch marks on your tummy, hips, bottom, and breasts.

If problems with heartburns persist, consider eating small meals. 

Week 25

Are you eager to know what you are having? Gender can be determined by ultrasound, amniocentesis, Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS), or Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT).


Foods to Avoid:

•  Unpasturised milk and soft cheese

•  Deli meats

•  Smoked fish

•  Raw/ undercooked meat


As you reach the second and third trimesters, it is ideal to sleep on the left side. Being in this position maximizes blood flow to the uterus without putting pressure on the liver. If you experience hip or back pain during pregnancy may find that placing a pillow or two between the knees or bending the knees during sleep can help provide relief.

Some other sleep positions that may help resolve common issues include:

•  raising the upper body with a few pillows to reduce heartburn

•  elevating the legs with pillows to help with swelling and leg pain

•  using a body pillow or pregnancy pillow to cradle the body and provide additional back support

Know Your Baby

Week 21

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


12.7 oz


10.51 in

Crown to rump

Size of


Your baby’s eyelids have finished forming this week.

Baby is busy moving around and swallowing the amniotic fluid.

Week 22

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


15.17 oz


10.94 in

Crown to rump

Size of


Baby looks like a newborn.

Skin appears wrinkly.

Pancreas is continuing to mature.

Week 23

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


1.1 lb


11.34 in

Crown to rump

Size of

large mango

The fine hair that covers your baby’s body darkens.

Week 24

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


1.32 lb


11.81 in

Head to toe

Size of


Your baby’s brain is growing rapidly.

Taste buds are also forming, and the lungs are becoming more developed.

Week 25

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


1.46-1.48 lb


13.62 in

Head to toe

Size of


Baby slowly gains some baby fat.

The color and texture could be seen at this point.

Stay Happy & Positive

Week 21

Pick a carrier to add to your registry.

Finalize your baby shower guest list and send it to your host.

If you want maternity snaps, pick a photographer, and schedule your photoshoot for the middle of the third trimester.

Celebrate that you are more than halfway done. You’ve got this!

Week 22

Need some laughs? Ali Wong’s Baby Cobra and Hard Knock Wife are comedy specials she filmed while pregnant. Both are on Netflix.

Put time on your calendar to relax and unwind. And don’t bail! Treat it as seriously as you would any other appointment.

Week 23

Catch up with a close friend over coffee or boba.

Run down your maternity leave to-do list and make a plan to finish what’s left by around week 36. You never know—you could give birth early!

Week 24

Design the nursery. Use Pinterest for inspiration and start choosing pieces that fit your vibe, like a crib or bassinet for baby to sleep in.

Add baby clothes to your registry.

Make a to-do list for the grandparents-to-be about how they can help you in the weeks after your baby’s born.

Week 25

Have your host send baby shower invites.

Decide if you are going to hire a birth doula.

Sign up for a birth class through your local hospital or family resource center.

Things To Buy

Baby, er, stuff

Skip the baby toys; everyone and their auntie will be gifting those. And while there are definitely all kinds of baby accessories and accoutrement you could buy if you really, really wanted to, here are the essential baby products to have on hand:

Sterilizer bags to sterilize bottles

Drying rack, brush and detergent for washing bottles

Formula (back-up supply if breastfeeding)

Hair and body wash

Unscented cream

Diaper rash cream

Baby nail clippers

Unscented water wipes



Alcohol wipes for belly button


Baby sponge

Nasal aspirator (only the suction kind, not the bulb)


Baby brush

Unscented baby laundry detergent

Hooded bath towels


Cotton burp cloths

Cotton swaddling blankets

White cotton onesies

Cotton pants with covered feet


Sleep sacks

Antibacterial soap for all rooms so visitors can wash hands

Grab them now!