Mandate Health Checklist

7th Month

Know Yourself

Body Changes

Week 26

The FDA advises pregnant women to eat fish that are low in mercury 2 to 3 times per week.

Week 27

Time to make arrangements for childbirth classes.

If you need to travel, you may need permission from your doctor.

Week 28

Many women start facing leg cramps, constipation, and insomnia.

You might discuss breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding at your prenatal appointment.

Week 29

Make sure that you are getting adequate amounts of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium.

Eat fiber to reduce constipation.

Week 30

If you’re suffering from backaches, it is time to reconsider your posture.

Dreams may affect your sleep and cause insomnia. 

You may also experience mood swings


This is a crucial stage as the baby is developing fast. You need a lot of nutrients at this time.

Beta-carotene and DHA for the eyes

• carrots

• sweet potato

• spinach

• mackerel

• sardines

Vitamin D to help absorb the calcium

• sardines

• herring

• fortified milk

Calcium for bone development and strengthening

• milk

• yogurt

• tofu

• cheese

• sardines

Zinc for the production, repair, and functioning of DNA

• red meat

• shellfish

• beans

• nuts

• whole grains

• dairy products


As you reach the second and third trimesters, it is ideal to sleep on the left side. Being in this position maximizes blood flow to the uterus without putting pressure on the liver.

Know Your Baby

Week 26

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


1.68 lb


14.02 in

Head to toe

Size of


Your baby prepares for delivery.

The nerves in the ears are developing allowing baby to respond to sounds.

Boy’s testicles begin their descent into his scrotum.

Week 27

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


1.92-1.94 lb


14.41 in

Head to toe

Size of


Eyes can open and close.

Baby develops a regular wake and sleep cycle.

Baby can have hiccups.

Week 28

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


2.2-2.43 lb


14.76 in

Head to toe

Size of

kabocha squash

Brain becomes more complex.

Baby starts to look rounder.

Week 29

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


2.54 lb


15.2 in

Head to toe

Size of

butter squash

Muscles and lungs continue to mature.

Baby is rapidly growing.

Week 30

Fetal Heart Rate

120-180 bpm


2.87-2.91 lb


15.71 in

Head to toe

Size of

Bunch of bananas

Baby will take a larger portion of your uterus.

Baby can distinguish between light and dark.

Digestive track and lungs nearly mature.

Stay Happy & Positive

Week 26

Declutter! Before baby arrives is a great time to Marie Kondo your stuff.

Write that birth plan—but make mental space for the unexpected.

Have a fur baby? Figure how to prep them for your new baby. If needed, line up a dog walker or trainer for once baby comes.

Week 27

Sleep in!

Start doing kick counts.

Reevaluate your workout. During the third trimester, you may want to modify a bit. Listen to your body.

Week 28

Decorate the nursery. Now’s the time to check off all the major needs from the list. Finishing touches can come later, but you should have a safe crib or bassinet.

Shop for a few nursing bras for the hospital and postpartum.

Week 29

Anxious? That’s completely natural. Consider a regular meditation routine to calm your mind. 

Up your calcium intake to make sure both you and your baby are getting enough of this important mineral. 

Make a labor playlist, which can help you stay calm during the long, challenging hours. You might want soothing, quiet music; empowering, high-energy songs; or a combination of both.

Week 30

Begin preparing for your maternity leave. Paperwork, yay!

Unfortunately, sleep doesn’t get easier from here on out. Sneak in as much rest as you can and consider buying a white noise machine.

Get a pedicure. This is an ideal time to get a foot massage and read a magazine.

How about a nice warm bath? If your water hasn’t broken, take some time to relax in the tub. Also bath bombs are weird and awesome.

Things To Buy

Breast pump

Pumping bra

Breastmilk storage bags

Nipple cream

Nursing pillow

Blank notebook and pen for logging breastfeeding

If forumula feeding: Bottles and nipples; infant formula

Breast pads

Grab them now!